McMurdo LTER Publications

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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Priscu JC. Life in the valley of the dead. Bioscience. 1999;49(12):959-960. doi:LTER.
Wharton, Jr. RA, Doran PT. McMurdo Dry Valley Lakes: Impacts of Research Activities. 1999. doi:LTER.
Hawes I, Schwarz A-M. McMurdo LTER: Photosynthesis in an extreme shade habitat: benthic microbial mats from Lake Hoare, Antarctica. Journal of Phycology. 1999;35(3):448-459.
W. Lyons B, Welch KA, Bonzongo J-C. Mercury in aquatic systems in Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters. 1999;26(15):2235-2238.
Roberts EC, Laybourn-Parry J. Mixotrophic cryptophytes and their predators in the Dry Valley lakes of Antarctica. Freshwater Biology. 1999;41(4):737-745. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.1999.00401.x.
Fountain AG, W. Lyons B, Burkins MB, et al. Physical controls on the Taylor Valley Ecosystem, Antarctica. BioScience. 1999;49(12):961-972.
Fritsen CH, Priscu JC. Seasonal change in the optical properties of the permanent ice cover on Lake Bonney, Antarctica: Consequences for lake productivity and phytoplankton dynamics. Limnology and Oceanography. 1999;44(2):447-454.
Wall DH. Soil Biodiversity: life in soil. In: Cracraft J, Griffo F The Living Planet in Crisis. The Living Planet in Crisis. Columbia University Press; 1999:124-128. doi:LTER.
Coleman DC, Blair JM, Elliot E, Wall DH. Soil invertebrates. In: Standard Soil Methods for Long Term Ecological Research. Standard Soil Methods for Long Term Ecological Research. New York: Oxford University Press; 1999:349-377. doi:LTER.
Spatial and climatic variations and its control on glacier equilibrium line altitude in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Global and Planetary Change. 1999;22:1-10.
Wall DH, Virginia RA. The world beneath our feet: Soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In: Nature and Human Society: The Quest for a Sustainable World. Nature and Human Society: The Quest for a Sustainable World. National Academy of Sciences Press; 1999.
Conovitz PA. Active layer dynamics and hyporheic zone storage in three streams in the McMurdo Dy Valleys, Antarctica. 2000;M.S. doi:LTER.
Adams GA, Wall DH. Biodiversity above and below the surface of soils and sediments: linkages and implications for global change. Bioscience. 2000;50:1043-1048. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2000)050[1043:BAABTS]2.0.CO;2.
Welch KA, W. Lyons B, McKnight DM, et al. Climate and hydrologic variations and implications for lake and stream ecological response in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In: Greenland D, Goodin DG, Smith RC Climate Variability and Ecosystem Response at Long Term Ecological Research Sites. Climate Variability and Ecosystem Response at Long Term Ecological Research Sites. Oxford University Press; 2000:174-195.
Gordon DA, Priscu JC, Giovannoni SJ. Distribution and phylogeny of bacterial communities associated with mineral particles in Antarctic lake ice. Microbial Biology. 2000;39:197-202.
Fritsen CH, Grue A, Priscu JC. Distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in surface soils in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Polar Biology. 2000;23:121-128.
Burnett L. Dynamics of the deep chlorophyll maximum within the lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. 2000;M.S. doi:LTER.
Freckman DW, Reichman O. Experimental Approaches to Investigate Belowground Animal Diversity. In: Sala OE, Jackson R, Mooney H, Howarth R Methods in Ecosystem Science. Methods in Ecosystem Science. New York: Springer Verlag; 2000:318-329.
W. Lyons B, Nezat CA, Welch KA, Kottmeier S, Doran PT. Fossil fuel burning in Taylor Valley, southern Victoria Land, Antarctica: estimating the role of scientific activities on carbon and nitrogen reservoirs and fluxes. Environmental Science and Technology. 2000;34:1659-1662.
Sala OE, Kinzig A, Leemans R, et al. Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100. Science. 2000;287:1770-1774. doi:LTER.
Wolters V, Wardle D, Brussaard L, et al. Global change effects on above and below ground biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems: interactions and implications for ecosystem functioning. Bioscience. 2000;50:1089-1099. doi:LTER.
W. Lyons B, Fountain AG, Doran PT, Priscu JC, Neumann K, Welch KA. The importance of landscape position and legacy: The evolution of the Taylor Valley Lake District, Antarctica. Freshwater Biology. 2000;43:355-367.
Hooper D, Lavelle P, van der Putten W, et al. Interactions between above and belowground biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems: patterns, mechanisms and feedbacks. BioScience. 2000;50:1049-1061.
Wall DH, Parsons AN. The Lions of the Dry Valleys. In: Antarctica. Antarctica. Lonely Planet Publications; 2000:313. doi:LTER.
Laybourn-Parry J, Roberts EC, Bell ER. Mixotrophy as a survival strategy among planktonic protozoa in Antarctic lakes. In: Howard-Williams C, Davidson W, Broady P Antarctic Ecosystems: Models for Wider Ecological Understanding. Antarctic Ecosystems: Models for Wider Ecological Understanding. Caxton Press; 2000.
