
Lake Bonney Camp with Lake Bonney
Lake Bonney Camp with Lake Bonney
Lake Fryxell Camp
Lake Fryxell Camp with Lake Fryxell in the foreground
Lake Fryxell Camp with Lake Fryxell and Canada Glacier
The ""hot finger"" is prepped for enlarging a hole in Lake Hoare's ice cover
Tucker and Jill drill a hole in the polar haven at Lake Fryxell.
Sampling on Lake Fryxell
The limno hut on Lake Fryxell with Canada Glacier
Sampling on Lake Bonney
Pulling the sled on the frozen surface of Lake Hoare
The equipment frozen into Lake Vida's ice cover was easily removed with Phil's...
Sampling on Lake Fryxell
Preparing to sample on Lake Hoare
Pulling the sled on the ATV
Pulling the sled on the ATV over frozen lake ice
Lake Chad and the Seuss Glacier
Lake Hoare as vewied from atop Canda Glacier. The limno sampling hut is visible...
Lake Miers
The Lake Bonney, from the air
Lake Fryxell from Lightning Rod
The F6 Camp
The Lake Vanda from the top