ALMS01 at F6 - Soil Volumetric Water Content


...or query the dataset by variables and dates of interest:

  • Label: Dataset code
  • Definition: Internal dataset code.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Timestamp
  • Definition: Date and time measurement was recorded in NZDT (GMT+13).
  • Type: Date/time
  • Date format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Station code
  • Definition: The station code associated with this ALMS.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Location name
  • Definition: The location of this ALMS.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Measurement type
  • Definition: Type of measurement recorded, where 'temp' = soil temperature, 'vwc' = soil volumetric water content, and 'ec' = specific conductance.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Site (A-E) and soil depth (in cm) where the measurement was recorded.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
Data Source Details

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