Seasonal high-frequency measurements of discharge, water temperature, and specific conductivity from Santa Fe Stream at B2, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2000)



As part of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) project in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, a systematic sampling program has been undertaken to monitor the glacial meltwater streams in that region. This package contains data pertaining to continuous monitored water quality and quantity parameters measured with automatic recording devices on streams in this region. Specifically, this metadata record describes the hydrology dataset for the McMurdo Dry Valleys' Santa Fe Stream at the B2 streamgage, located in the Bonney Basin of Taylor Valley. Measurements commenced during the 1993-94 austral summer and continued through the end of the 1999-20 austral summer. The B2 streamgage was removed in December 2000 after it was found completely underwater due to Lake Bonney water level rise. Efforts were made to continue some discrete flow measurements to estimate flow in Santa Fe Stream based on the flow record at the higher elevation streamgage located in nearby Lawson Creek. Thus, Santa Fe Stream transitioned from being continuously monitored to one for which discrete measurements of flow may be made during site visits to Lawson Creek.

Date Range: 

November 13, 1993 to February 20, 2000
Data Citation
Mcknight, D.M., Gooseff, M.N. 2022. Seasonal high-frequency measurements of discharge, water temperature, and specific conductivity from Santa Fe Stream at B2, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2000). Environmental Data Initiative. DOI: 10.6073/pasta/ce476d27d8edcd0c63918516285650cd. Dataset accessed 26 July 2024.


Santa Fe Stream at B2

Variables (click to expand): 

  • Label: Dataset code
  • Definition: Code representing discrete stream gage measurements dataset
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: stream gage id
  • Definition: Code representing stream gage
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Date/time
  • Definition: Date/time of sample (McMurdo time)
  • Type: Date/time
  • Date format: MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MM
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Discharge Rate
  • Definition: Stream discharge
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: litersPerSecond
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: 0.01
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Discharge Quality
  • Definition: Estimated accuracy of discharge (good=most accurate within 10%, fair=most data accurate within 25%, poor=significant amounts of data may be >25% off)
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Water Temperature
  • Definition: Water Temperature
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: celsius
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: 0.1
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Water Temperature Quality
  • Definition: Estimated accuracy of water temperature (good=most accurate within 10%, fair=most data accurate within 25%, poor=significant amounts of data may be >25% off)
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Conductivity
  • Definition: Specific conductivity
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: microsiemens/cm
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: 0.1
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Conductivity Quality
  • Definition: Estimated accuracy of conductivity (good=most accurate within 10%, fair=most data accurate within 25%, poor=significant amounts of data may be >25% off)
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Comments
  • Definition: comments about the record or data circusntances.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified

Short name: 


Dataset ID: 


Principal Investigator(s): 


Associated Personnel: 

Data Manager
Former Field Crew
Former Field Crew
Former Field Crew
Former Field Crew
Former Field Crew
Former Field Crew
Former Data Manager
Former Data Manager