This file was created by Pilar Tillberg on 12 February 2001. Data were entered by Pilar Tillberg on 12 Feb 01. [Pilar Tillberg 12 Feb 01]
These data were proofed by Pilar Tillberg and Rebecca Lavier on 14 February 2001. [Pilar Tillberg 14 Feb 01]
Calculations for # nematodes/ kg soil were done by Rebecca Lavier on 15 February 2001. [Rebecca Lavier 15 Feb 01].
Numbers per kg dry soil calculated by M L Haddix using formula 1000*(#individuals/(extraction mass*(mass of dry soil/mass of soil used for moisture calc))) 4/11/14
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 4/11/14
Notes from datasheet:
These samples were collected from F6 snowfence on 11 January 01. They were extracted on 12 Jan 01 and counted 13-15 Jan 01 by Dorota Porazinska. They were preserved on 17 Jan 01. [Pilar Tillberg 12 Feb 01]
This file was created by Pilar Tillberg on 13 February 2001. Data were entered by Pilar Tillberg on 13 Feb 01. [Pilar Tillberg 13 Feb 01]
These data were proofed by Rebecca Lavier and Pilar Tillberg on 14 February 2001. [Pilar Tillberg 14 Feb 01]
Calculations were done by Rebecca Lavier on 15 February 2001. [Rebecca Lavier 15 Feb 01].
Numbers per kg dry soil calculated by M L Haddix using formula 1000*(#individuals/(extraction mass*(mass of dry soil/mass of soil used for moisture calc))) 4/11/14
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 4/11/14
Notes from datasheet:
These samples were collected from the Lake Bonney snowfence on 19 Jan 01. They were extracted on 20 Jan 01 and counted on 21 Jan 01 by Dorota Porazinska. [Pilar Tillberg 13 Feb 01]
This file was created by Steve Blecker on 19 January 2003. Soil for nematode extractionwas entered at this time, due to the excess water for sample 3.12, htis weight is an estimate only. [Steve Blecker 19 Jan 2003]. Nemas were counted by Diana Wall and Byron Adams on 17 Jan 03, nema data was entered by Steve Blecker on 21 Jan 03. [Steve Blecker 21 Jan 03]. Nematode raw data checked and corrected [Emma Broos 20 Feb 03]. Soil weights checked [Emma Broos 4 March 03].
F6 SnowFence
Samples collected on January 16, 2003 by Steve Blecker and Jen Mercer. Samples were collected from east side only according to the protocol developed in 2000/2001.
Walk-ways are immediately adjacent to the snow fence on the east and west sides and along the North sides of the rigging.
Samples were collected from the 6 transects extending 12 feet from the snowfence. The 1st transect is South of the snowfence and the following 5 transects follow the established rigging. Samples are collected 3, 6, 9 and 12 feet from the plane of the snowfence along each transect. Samples are collected on the north side of the walkways adjacent to the rigging. Subsequent samplings are always northward of the previous sampling divot. See accompanying map in the SnowFence directory for more detail. All samples were taken approximately 1 foot to the south of the year 1 samples (which were easily identifiable divots in the soil) - this happend to place them approximately halfway between the nails of each plot. Roughly half of sample 2.9 was buried under 5-10 cm of snow and ice and only sampled to a depth of 5 cm as the soil was frozen beyond 5 cm. The location for sample 3.12 was entirely covered with 5-7 cm of ice. The ice was scraped away down to the soil surface - we returned about 1 hour later and the surface had melted enough to collect the chla sample - the bulk soil sample was collected by chipping out the frozen soil with a pick ax to a depth of 5 cm.
Samples were placed in backpacks and flown back to the Crary Lab where they were stored at +4C until analysis. [Steve Blecker 19 Jan 2003]
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 3/28/14
Numbers per kg dry soil calculated by M L Haddix using formula 1000*(#individuals/(extraction mass*(mass of dry soil/mass of soil used for moisture calc))) 3/28/14
Related Files:
This file was created by Jeb Barrett, January 12, 2003. Worm data on the raw sheet were entered by Jeb Barrett on January 12, 2003 [Jeb Barrett 12 Jan 2003]. Calc sheet created by Andy Parsons on 15 Jan 2003 by making a copy of the raw - cool, eh? [Andy Parsons 15 Jan 2003]. Raw data checked 19Feb03 [Emma Broos 19Feb03].
Nematodes were converted to # per kg in the calc sheet, using the equation provided by Emma Broos: 1000*(# in extr/ (fresh soil in extr - (fresh soil in extr * (moist % / 100)))) [Holley Zadeh 25 May 2004]
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 3/28/14
Numbers per kg dry soil calculated by M L Haddix using formula 1000*(#individuals/(extraction mass*(mass of dry soil/mass of soil used for moisture calc))) 3/28/14
Samples were collected on January 9, 2003 by Andy Parsons and Jeb Barrett. Samples were collected from east side only according to the protocol developed in 2000/2001. Walk-ways are immediately adjacent to the snow fence on the east and west sides and along the North sides of the rigging.
Samples were collected from the 6 transects extending 12 feet from the snowfence. The 1st transect is South of the snowfence and the following 5 transects follow the established rigging. Samples are collected 3, 6, 9 and 12 feet from the plane of the snowfence along each transect. Samples are collected on the north side of the walkways adjacent to the rigging. Subsequent samplings are always northward of the previous sampling divot. See accompanying map in the SnowFence directory for more detail. [Jeb Barrett 9 Jan 2003]
This file was created by Emma Broos on 12 January 2004. Data was also entered and checked at this time [Emma Broos 12 Jan 2004].
Nematodes were converted to # per kg in the calc sheet, using the equation provided by Emma Broos: 1000*(# in extr/ (fresh soil in extr - (fresh soil in extr * (moist % / 100)))), and soil moistures were added for this calculation from F6SF.soil.Jan04.xls [Holley Zadeh 25 May 2004]
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 3/20/14
Numbers per kg dry soil calculated by M L Haddix using formula 1000*(#individuals/(extraction mass*(mass of dry soil/mass of soil used for moisture calc))) 3/20/14
Samples were collected on 7 Jan 2004 by Johnson Nkem, Emma Broos, and Yvonne Baskin. Samples were collected only from the East side (closest to the hut) of the Snow fence at F6 according to the protocol developed in 2000/2001. Samplings were always northward of the previous years sampling divot. All snow had melted from the plots so no samples were taken beneath snow.[Emma Broos 12 Jan 2004].
Nematodes were extracted on 8 Jan 2004 and counted by Emma Broos and Johnson Nkem on 8-9th Jan 04. [Emma Broos 12 Jan 2004].
Related Files:
This file was created by Emma Broos on 27 January 2004. Nematode data was also entered and checked at this time [Emma Broos 27 Jan 2004].
Nematodes were converted to # per kg in the calc sheet, using the equation provided by Emma Broos: 1000*(# in extr/ (fresh soil in extr - (fresh soil in extr * (moist % / 100)))), and soil moistures were added for this calculation from LBsnowfence.soil. Jan04.xls [Holley Zadeh 25 May 2004]
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 3/20/14
Numbers per kg dry soil calculated by M L Haddix using formula 1000*(#individuals/(extraction mass*(mass of dry soil/mass of soil used for moisture calc))) 3/20/14
Samples were collected on 15 Jan 2004 by Johnson Nkem, Emma Broos, and David Hopkins. Samples were collected only from the East side of the Snow fence at Lake Bonney ie on the helopad side. Samplings were always northward of the previous years sampling divot. All snow had melted from the plots so no samples were taken beneath snow.[Emma Broos 27 Jan 2004].
Nematodes were extracted on 17 Jan 2004 and counted by Emma and Johnson on 17-18th Jan 04. [Emma Broos 27 Jan 2004].
Crispies refer to dead/damaged/dried up nematodes that look 'crispie' and the sex age and often species can't be determined. [Emma Broos 27 Jan 2004].
Related Files:
This file was created by Ed Ayres on 7 January 2006.
F6 Samples were collected on 6 Jan 2006 by Ed Ayres, Diana Wall, Byron Adams, Breana Simmons, Adler Dillman and Alison Redington. (NOTE: Sample labels say 5 Jan 2005 since that was the day we initially expected to go, however, that was cancelled due to the weather and we sampled on 6th Jan instead). All snow had melted from the plots so no samples were taken beneath snow.
Nematodes were extracted on 7 Jan 2006. Soil moisture, pH, EC and KCl were also done on 7 Jan 06.
Data was reorgnized and calculated by Breana Simmons on 22 Janary 2006.
This file was updated and corrected by MLVandegehochte, 4/02/13 (MLHaddix)
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 2/13/14
Related Files:
This log was created by Breana Simmons on 10 January 2006.
The snowfence was in pretty bad shape. There was a large rip in the orange mesh, which was severaly off center from the plots. There were large swaths of soil missing where a rope likely broke loose and carved out a depression through E4.6, E4.3, E5.6, E5.3, and a little in the surrounding plots. Also on the east side, a large bootprint obscured the previous year's divot in E3.3. On the west side, there was similar damage in a triangular pattern in W3.3 and w3.6. There were six nails missing. Diana Wall put four back, but there are still nails missing at W3.6 and W4.6. Among the plots were several rocks wrapped in red tape. Byron Adams speculated that they were for a rock catch and release program.
Data was reorganized and calculated by Breana Simmons on 22 January 2006.
Numbers per kg dry soil changed by M L Haddix using formula 1000*(#individuals/(extraction mass*(mass of dry soil/mass of soil used for moisture calc))) 7/03/13
Soil Moisture calculated as the (g of water/ g dry soil) *100 by M L Haddix 2/13/14
Related Files: