Season 2002-2003
fsn02031 notes:
1. Missing data in file, most of which is in the fsn0232.dat, except between July 6, 2002 (187) @ 0945 and July 6, 2002 @ 2000
2. CR10X Time adjusted back 2 minutes and 04 secs on November 11, 2002 (315) @ 1221
3. Soil PAR and temp probes are under snow on November 11, 2002 (315).
fsn02032 notes:
1. 144 lines of data that is missing from fsn0231.dat
fsn02033.dat Notes:
1. No missing data
2. Time adjusted back 11 seconds on December 13, 2002 @ 1652
3. Soil PAR and temp probes are under snow on December 13, 2002.
fsn02034.dat Notes
1. Installed new sonic ranger on December 13, 2002 @ 1700. Initial height from snow is 74.0.
2. Loaded new program, fs023v1, on December 13, 2002 @ 1700. New program signature is 17958.
3. Installed new 20W solar panel on December 13, 2002 @ 1830
4. Soil PAR and temp probes are under snow on December 13, 2002.
fsn02035.dat notes:
1. Time adjusted ahead 7 seconds on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1516
2. Loaded new program, same name as last, on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1615. Added on program instruction which adjusts the distance measured to the ground by a multiplier.
3. Swapped out Air Quantum (old: Q23204, new: Q30805) on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1535
4. Swapped out Soil Quantum @ +3.8 m (old: Q20526, new: Q30804) on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1552
5. Swapped out Soil Quantum @ +1.9 m (old: Q23201, new: Q30800) on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1559
6. Swapped out two SM716 for two SM716 on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1615
7. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 104.5
Season 2003-2004
fsn03041 Notes:
1. Missing data between 7/5/03 22:45 and 7/6/03 8:00.
2. Lines of data missing on this file are in the next file, fsn03402. They were inserted in the proper location.
3. Time adjusted ahead 3 minutes and 52 seconds on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1516
4. Swapped out two SM716 for one SM4M on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1431
5. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 83.0
fsn03042 Notes:
1. Lines of data missing from previous file are in this file, fsn03402. They were inserted in the proper location.
2. Time adjusted back 3 minutes and 52 seconds on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1516
3. Swapped out two SM716 for one SM4M on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1431
4. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 83.0
fsn03043 Notes:
1. Time adjusted +8 seconds on December 29, 2003 (363) @ 1213
2. Swapped out one SM4M for one SM716 on December 29, 2003 (363) @ 1210
3. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 104.5
fsn030404 Notes:
1. Time adjusted +5 seconds on January 23, 2004 (23) @ 1500
2. Swapped out one SM716 for two SM716 on January 23, 2004 (23) @ 1445
3. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 101.1 cm
fsn03045 Notes:
1. Swapped out two SM716 for one SM4M on January 29, 2004 (29) @ 1000
Season 2004-2005
fsn04051.dat Notes:
1. No data missing
2. Adjusted datalogger time ahead +2 minutes and 40 seconds on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1632
3. Sonic range height is 94.8
4. Swapped old datalogger for recalibrated CR10X on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645
fsn04052.dat Notes:
1. One line of data
2. Swapped out SM4M for another on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645
3. Swapped old datalogger for recalibrated CR10X on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645
4. Loaded new program, Fs045v1 on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645. Added if statement to only turn on the sonic if the battery voltage is greater than 11.5V.
fsn04053.dat Notes:
1. No data missing, but time is behind 16 hours, 58 minutes and 28 seconds. The clock was not reset when the new datalogger was swapped back in November. Added 20 hours to the data.
2. Swapped old datalogger for recalibrated CR10X on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1736
3. Sonic height is 102.3 cm from the surface (no snow)
4. The Quantum sensors were replaced at the following times:
a. AirPar @ 1.6 m on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1708. Old sensor # 30805, new sensor # 23199
b. soil P.A.R. +1.9 m on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1715. Old sensor # 30800, new sensor # Q29773
c. soil P.A.R. +3.8 m on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1720. Old sensor # 30804, new sensor # Q29766
Season 2005-2006
fsn04051 (NOTE the deviation from convention)
bsn04052 (NOTE the deviation in filename from convention)