Monthly Summaries (Level 2)

Garwood Ice Cliff Meteorological Station Monthly Averages (2012-2013)


As part of the Long Term Ecological Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica, meteorological data was collected from various locations throughout Beacon, Taylor, Wright and Victoria Valleys. These files contain averages derived from data for the Garwood Ice Cliff meteorology station. This station reported data for about a year, during 2011. On January 10, 2012 the station was being transferred to the custody of the MCM LTER program by Joe Levy (UT), completing of the handover on the Austral summer of 2014. The GAFM station was moved ~5 m from its original site in 2013 (out of the stream bed). GAFM no longer used, dismantled.

Dataset ID: 


Associated Personnel: 


Short name: 


Data sources: 



 The Garwood Ice Cliff meteorological station was added to the McMurdo Dry Valley network in the 2012-13 field season. 
  GAFM transfer process was proposed to be finished off on 2013, but eventually was abandoned, dismantled.
      The GAFM station was moved ~5 m from its original site in 2013 (out of the stream bed). At this time, the three 107 temperature probes were placed in a vertical profile (10, 5, and 0 cm), similar to the other AWS (recording in Celsius)
      Air temp and RH are at 3 m, along with wind direction and speed. Incoming and outgoing SW and LW are also at 3 m, but were oriented parallel to the ground surface (rather than normal) in order to capture radiative flux into/out of the ice cliff. In 2013-2014, these sensors were replaced with a single NR-LITE2 net rad sensor which is oriented in a typical, ground-normal orientation (the original sensors did not survive contact with a katabatic wind storm some time over the winter). The SR is also at 3m and points towards the ice cliff. This instrument died in 2013 and failed in 2013-2014. I've got a replacement we can install this field season, since it is a useful measurement. 
       The station was set up to  sample sensors every 30 seconds and send summary statistics (for example, averages and maximums) to solid-state storage modules every 15 minutes. This has resulted in approximately20 values being recorded for final storage in every output interval.


On Season 2010/11, by Thomas Nylen
1. Converted station to LTER format
2. CR10X time was set to UTC, but changed to local daylight saving time. CR10X 55 secs behind. Changed at 12/23/2010 0930. Changed output results to local time (UTC + 13hrs)
3. Wind Pointing north, declination at site is 152 degrees
4. GPS location: 77.74738, 161.51634
5. Sensor Heights: Temp/RH = 2.5m, Wind = 3.6m and NetRad = 2.05m
6. Loaded new program Friis1011v1 on 12/23/2010 1007.
7. Processed data back to 2005. Duplicated line of data on 1/18/2008 10:55 (local time). Deleted second extra line.
8. Replaced HMP45C RH sensor on Dec 16, 2008 @ 1304 (local). Wind direction alignment checked and is pointing north.
9. Pressure added by Wisconsin AWS group on 02/04/2008 11:00

Additional information: 

Meteorological data is collected year-round at each of the stations in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. After retrieving this data (usually every January), the parameters that are recorded are processed from level 0 (raw) to level 1 (processed, provided on the web). The raw data file descriptions and task lists summarize what was done to get from level 0 to level 1 for all station found at the following address:, soil temperatures and surface changes did not offer good data as of now for this station - no averages are derived.


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