F6 Snowfence Station Measurements


As part of the Long Term Ecological Research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica (MCM LTER), meteorological data was collected from various locations throughout Taylor, Wright, Victoria, Miers, and Beacon Valleys. These files contain data for the F6 Snowfence Station located in Taylor Valley.

Dataset ID: 


Associated Personnel: 


Short name: 



 Meteorological data is collected year-round at each of MCM LTER stations. Data is manually downloaded from the meteorological stations during the austral summer. Raw 15 minute data (Level 0) is processed and provided as Level 1 data on the MCM LTER website. Field notes, sensor information, processing procedures, QA/QC, and metadata is provided in the Meteorological Post Processing Documentation and Task Lists for each field season at the following address: http://www.mcmlter.org/data/meteorology/tasks/task_lists.htm 

Data sources: 



During the 2000-2001 field season, the McMurdo LTER established a snowfence near Lake Fryxell in eastern Taylor Valley. The station was set up to sample sensors every 30 seconds, except the sonic range which samples every 15 minutes, and send summary statistics (for example, averages and maximums) to solid-state storage modules every 15 minutes. This has resulted in approximately 20 values being recorded for final storage in every output interval.

Task List notes

2002-2003 Season

Author of this report: Thomas Nylen 
Sampling Frequency:  every 30 sec 
Averaging and Output Interval: every 15 min 

Program Name: fsn001v1.dld

Filename fsn02031.dat
File Period: January 30, 2002 (24) @ 1115 to Nov 11, 2002 (315) @ 1215

Filename fsn02032.dat
File Period: Various lines of data not in fsn021.dat between April 22, 2002 (112) @ 0400 and October 29, 2002 @ 615 

Filename fsn02033.dat
File Period: Nov 11, 2002 (315) @ 1230 to December 13, 2002 (347) @ 1645

Filename fsn02034.dat
File Period: December 13, 2002 (347) @ 1700

Filename fsn02035.dat
File Period: December 13, 2002 (347) @ 1700 to January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1615

December 13, 2002 (347) @ 1700 to January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1615

1. array I.D. o1 
2. day ok 
3. time ok 
4. mean soil P.A.R. +3.8 m (east) from snow fence (micromols/s/m2) divide by 200, multiply by 294.60 
5. mean soil P.A.R. +1.9 m (east) from snow fence (micromols/s/m2) divide by 200, multiply by 300.48
6. mean Air P.A.R. @ 1.6 m (micromols/s/m2) divide by 200, multiply by 291.48
7. mean air temp. @ 1.5 m (C) rclow 
8. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil -1.9 m (west) of snow fence (C) rclow 
9. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +0.9 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
10. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +1.8 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
11. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +3.6 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
12. sample depth from sensor to surface (cm) Measured depth (1.097) + Value) * 100 
13. sample of battery voltage

2003-2004 Season

Author of this report: Thomas Nylen
Sampling Frequency: sonic every 60 minutes, every 30 sec for all the others
Averaging and Output Interval: every 15 min 
Program Name: fsn023v1v1.dld (Program Signature: 17958)

Filename fsn03041.dat
File Period: January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1615 to November 5, 2003 (309) @ 0700

Filename fsn03042.dat
File Period: November 5, 2003 (309) @ 0715 to November 19, 2003 (323) @ 1430

Filename fsn03043.dat
File Period: November 19, 2003 (323) @ 1445 to December 29, 2003 (363) @ 1200 

Filename fsn03044.dat
File Period: December 29, 2003 (363) @ 1215 to January 23, 2004 (23) @ 1430

Filename fsn03045.dat
File Period: January 23, 2004 (23) @ 1445 to January 29, 2004 (29) @ 1000

1. array I.D. o1 
2. day ok 
3. time ok 
4. mean soil P.A.R. +3.8 m (east) from snow fence (micromols/s/m2) divide by 200, multiply by 223.73
5. mean soil P.A.R. +1.9 m (east) from snow fence (micromols/s/m2) divide by 200, multiply by  220.46 
6. mean Air P.A.R. @ 1.6 m (micromols/s/m2) divide by 200, multiply by 228.68
7. mean air temp. @ 1.3 m (C) rclow 
8. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil -4.5 m (west) of snow fence (C) rclow 
9. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +1.0 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
10. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +1.9 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
11. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +3.8 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
12.Sonic Ranger Depth (cm) Depth surface minus value multiplied by -100 to convert to cm
13. sample of battery voltage

2004-2005 Season

Author of this report: Thomas Nylen
Sampling Frequency: sonic every 60 minutes, every 30 sec for all the others Averaging and Output Interval: every 15 min
Program Name: fsn023v1v1.dld (Program Signature: 5425)

Filename: fsn04051.dat 
File Period: January 29, 2004 (29) @ 1015 to November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1630

Filename: fsn04052.dat
File Period: November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645  

Filename: fsn04053.dat
File Period: November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645 to January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1730 

1. array I.D. o1 
2. day ok 
3. time ok 
4. mean soil P.A.R. +3.6 m (east) from snow fence (micromols/s/m2) – Q30801 divide by 200, multiply by 217.27 
5. mean soil P.A.R. +1.8 m (east) from snow fence (micromols/s/m2) – Q30802 divide by 200, multiply by 222.23 
6. mean Air P.A.R. @ 1.6 m (micromols/s/m2) – Q20266 divide by 200, multiply by 275.02 
7. mean air temp. @ 1.5 m (C) rclow 
8. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil -4.5 m (west) of snow fence (C) rclow 
9. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +1.0 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
10. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +1.9 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
11. mean soil temperature @ 0 cm in soil +3.8 m (east) of snow fence (C) rclow 
12. Sonic Ranger Depth (cm) Measured depth (1.01) + Value) * 100 
13. sample of battery voltage

2005-2006 Season

Author of this report: Thomas Nylen
Sampling Frequency: sonic every 60 minutes, every 30 sec for all the others
Averaging and Output Interval: every 15 min

Quality Assurance: 

Season 2002-2003

fsn02031 notes:
1. Missing data in file, most of which is in the fsn0232.dat, except between July 6, 2002 (187) @ 0945 and July 6, 2002 @ 2000
2. CR10X Time adjusted back 2 minutes and 04 secs on November 11, 2002 (315) @ 1221
3. Soil PAR and temp probes are under snow on November 11, 2002 (315).

fsn02032 notes:
144 lines of data that is missing from fsn0231.dat

fsn02033.dat Notes:

1. No missing data
2. Time adjusted back 11 seconds on December 13, 2002 @ 1652
3. Soil PAR and temp probes are under snow on December 13, 2002.

fsn02034.dat Notes

1. Installed new sonic ranger on December 13, 2002 @ 1700. Initial height from snow is 74.0.
2. Loaded new program, fs023v1, on December 13, 2002 @ 1700. New program signature is 17958.
3. Installed new 20W solar panel on December 13, 2002 @ 1830
4. Soil PAR and temp probes are under snow on December 13, 2002.

fsn02035.dat notes:

1. Time adjusted ahead 7 seconds on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1516
2. Loaded new program, same name as last, on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1615. Added on program instruction which adjusts the distance measured to the ground by a multiplier.
3. Swapped out Air Quantum (old: Q23204, new: Q30805) on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1535
4. Swapped out Soil Quantum @ +3.8 m (old: Q20526, new: Q30804) on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1552
5. Swapped out Soil Quantum @ +1.9 m (old: Q23201, new: Q30800) on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1559
6. Swapped out two SM716 for two SM716 on January 22, 2003 (22) @ 1615
7. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 104.5

Season 2003-2004

fsn03041 Notes:

1. Missing data between 7/5/03 22:45 and 7/6/03 8:00.
2. Lines of data missing on this file are in the next file, fsn03402. They were inserted in the proper location.
3. Time adjusted ahead 3 minutes and 52 seconds on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1516
4. Swapped out two SM716 for one SM4M on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1431
5. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 83.0 

fsn03042 Notes:

1. Lines of data missing from previous file are in this file, fsn03402. They were inserted in the proper location.
2. Time adjusted back 3 minutes and 52 seconds on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1516
3. Swapped out two SM716 for one SM4M on November 19, 2003 (309) @ 1431
4. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 83.0

fsn03043 Notes:

1. Time adjusted +8 seconds on December 29, 2003 (363) @ 1213
2. Swapped out one SM4M for one SM716 on December 29, 2003 (363) @ 1210
3. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 104.5 

fsn030404 Notes:

1. Time adjusted +5 seconds on January 23, 2004 (23) @ 1500
2. Swapped out one SM716 for two SM716 on January 23, 2004 (23) @ 1445
3. Sonic sensor depth to ground is 101.1 cm
fsn03045 Notes:
1. Swapped out two SM716 for one SM4M on January 29, 2004 (29) @ 1000 

Season 2004-2005

fsn04051.dat Notes:
1. No data missing

2. Adjusted datalogger time ahead +2 minutes and 40 seconds on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1632
3. Sonic range height is 94.8
4. Swapped old datalogger for recalibrated CR10X on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645

fsn04052.dat Notes:

1. One line of data
2. Swapped out SM4M for another on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645
3. Swapped old datalogger for recalibrated CR10X on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645
4. Loaded new program, Fs045v1 on November 9, 2004 (314) @ 1645. Added if statement to only turn on the sonic if the battery voltage is greater than 11.5V.

fsn04053.dat Notes:

1. No data missing, but time is behind 16 hours, 58 minutes and 28 seconds. The clock was not reset when the new datalogger was swapped back in November. Added 20 hours to the data.
2. Swapped old datalogger for recalibrated CR10X on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1736
3. Sonic height is 102.3 cm from the surface (no snow)
4. The Quantum sensors were replaced at the following times:
  a. AirPar @ 1.6 m on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1708. Old sensor # 30805, new sensor # 23199 
   b. soil P.A.R. +1.9 m on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1715. Old sensor # 30800, new sensor # Q29773 
c. soil P.A.R. +3.8 m on January 3, 2005 (3) @ 1720. Old sensor # 30804, new sensor # Q29766

Season 2005-2006

fsn04051 (NOTE the deviation from convention)

bsn04052 (NOTE the deviation in filename from convention)



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