Snowpit chemistry from Canada, Commonwealth, and Rhone Glaciers, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica during the 2000-2001 austral summer



To examine temporal and spatial variability in snow chemistry during the 2000-2001 austral summer, snow samples were collected from the accumulation zones of Canada, Commonwealth, and Rhone Glaciers, located in Taylor Valley in the McMurdo Dry Valleys region of Antarctica. Snowpits were excavated to a depth of 2 meters at each location and samples were collected using a depth interval of 3 cm utilizing clean sampling techniques. Snow density was measured in the field at the time of sample collection. Samples were analyzed for major ions in the Crary Lab at McMurdo Station. 

Date Range: 

December 1, 2000 to January 20, 2001
Data Citation
Bergstrom, A.J., Welch, K.A., Lyons, W., Gooseff, M.N. 2022. Snowpit chemistry from Canada, Commonwealth, and Rhone Glaciers, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica during the 2000-2001 austral summer. Environmental Data Initiative. DOI: 10.6073/pasta/9686975eea022c6af30abf2ce23ddbed. Dataset accessed 27 July 2024.


Glacier snowpit chemistry data.

Variables (click to expand): 

  • Label: Dataset code
  • Definition: Internal dataset code.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Glacier
  • Definition: Name of the glacier where the sample was collected.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Sample Name
  • Definition: Field sample identifier, which is the abbreviated glacier name and sample top depth.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Sample Depth
  • Definition: Top depth of sample layer measured from snowpit surface.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: centimeter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Chloride concentration
  • Definition: Chloride concentration measured in milligrams per liter.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Nitrate concentration
  • Definition: Nitrate concentration measured as milligrams per liter of N.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Sulfate concentration
  • Definition: Sulfate concentration measured as milligrams per liter of SO4.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Sodium concentration
  • Definition: Sodium concentration measured as milligrams per liter.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Potassium concentration
  • Definition: Potassium concentration measured as milligrams per liter.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Magnesium concentration
  • Definition: Magnesium concentration measured as milligrams per liter.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Calcium concentration
  • Definition: Calcium concentration measured as milligrams per liter.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: milligramsPerLiter
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Comments
  • Definition: Comments about the sample or analysis, if any.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Snow Density Sample Depth
  • Definition: Depth range of snow layer sampled for density based on visual characteristics.
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Snow Density
  • Definition: Snow density measured as grams per cubic centimeter.
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: gramsPerCentimeterCubed
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified

Short name: 


Dataset ID: 


Principal Investigator(s): 


Associated Personnel: 

Field Crew
Field Crew
Data Manager