Upper Pond Nematode Survey Experiment



In January 2001, we surveyed streams and ponds above 300 m asl in Taylor Valley, South Victoria Land, Antarctica. One pond was examined in detail. Organic materials covered nearly 100% of the adjacent soil to 5-20 m from the shore, with intermittent patches to 80 m. Organic matter averaged 257 gC/m2, and totaled 1388 kg organic C on the soil around the pond. Soil moisture content (0.56 to 12.41%) decreased with distance from shore, whereas pH (7.8 to 10.8) increased with distance. Electrical conductivity was lowest in the soils less than 10 m from the pond (416 +- 94 uS/cm). Mineral soil organic C and total N concentrations were greatest between 10-30 m from the edgeof the pond (1.21 +- 0.37 and 0.13 +- 0.05 mg/g soil, respectively). Soil invertebrates were present in only 50% of samples and included tardigrades, rotifers and two nematodes, Scottnema lindsayae and Plectus antarcticus. A non-parametric, discriminant function analysis based on soil moisture, soil organic carbon and electrical conductivitycorrectly predicted 87.0% of sites that had invertebrates and 70.8% of sites for which invertebrates were absent. Tardigrades, rotifers and Plectus were found only in the wettest soils nearest the pond whereas Scottnema was restricted to drier soils farther from shore. Other ponds and streams also showed substantial accumulations of organic matter, suggesting that upland wetlands serve as resource islands in these polar deserts that provide a source of organic matter to nearby soils.

Date Range: 

January 1, 2001 to January 31, 2001
Data Citation
Moorhead, D., Wall, D.H., Virginia, R.A. 2014. Upper Pond Nematode Survey Experiment. Environmental Data Initiative. DOI: 10.6073/pasta/b74ce9bc2c28808eb13847967ef1d1a0. Dataset accessed 27 July 2024.


details about the data-containing spreadsheet, such as units and definitions.

Variables (click to expand): 

  • Label:
  • Definition: Unique identifier for the table in the MCM LTER database
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Observation
  • Definition: Sample number (1-48)
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label: Transect
  • Definition: The transect from where the soil sample was collected.
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • north = North Transect
    • south = South Transect
    • east = East Transect
    • west = West Transect
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: The zone number that serves to ID the exact plot location where data was collected
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • 1 = Zone ID 1
    • 2 = Zone ID 2
    • 3 = Zone ID 3
    • 4 = Zone ID 4
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: The number (1-3) assigned to replicate samples collected from each zone along a transect
  • Type: Code list
  • Codes:
    • 1 = First Replicate
    • 2 = Second Replicate
    • 3 = Third Replicate
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Date and time when sample was aquired
  • Type: Date/time
  • Date format: MM/DD/YYYY
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Total soil nitrogen (% N by wt.), the nitrogen content of the unacidified soil
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: dimensionless
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: Soil organic carbon (% C by wt.), the carbon content of acidified soil
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: dimensionless
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: C:N
  • Definition: The ratio of soil organic carbon to total nitrogen
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: dimensionless
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: soil water content
  • Definition: The gravimetric soil water content
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: percent g/g
  • Maximum: 100
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: pH
  • Definition: The opposite loge the hydrogen ion concentration of a 1:2 soil-water paste
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: pH
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Electical Conductivity
  • Definition: The electrical conductivity of a 1:5 soil-water dilution
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: uS/cm
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living male Scottmema lindsayae adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead male Scottmema lindsayae adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living female Scottmema lindsayae adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead female Scottmema lindsayae adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living juvenile Scottmema lindsayae adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead juvenile Scottmema lindsayae adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living and dead Scottmema lindsayae adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living and dead Scottmema lindsayae juvenile nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: total number of living Scottmema lindsayae (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead Scottmema lindsayae (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of live + dead Scottmema lindsayae (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living male Eudorylaimus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead male Eudorylaimus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living female Eudorylaimus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead female Eudorylaimus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living juvenile Eudorylaimus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead juvenile Eudorylaimus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living and dead Eudorylaimus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living and dead Eudorylaimus juvenile nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: total number of living Eudorylaimus (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead Eudorylaimus (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of live + dead Eudorylaimus (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living female Plectus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead female Plectus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living juvenile Plectus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead juvenile Plectus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living and dead Plectus adult nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of living and dead Plectus juvenile nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: total number of living Plectus (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of dead Plectus (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label:
  • Definition: The total number of live + dead Plectus (juvenile and adults) nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: total rotifers
  • Definition: total number of rotifers per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent present in a sample
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: total tardigrades
  • Definition: total number of tardigrades per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent present in a sample
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Total Live (Livenems)
  • Definition: The total number of living nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent (#/kg soil).
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Total Dead (Deadnems)
  • Definition: The total number of dead nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent (#/kg soil).
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Total (Totalnems)
  • Definition: The total number of living and dead nematodes extracted from the soil sample in number of organisms per kg soil oven dry weight equivalent (#/kg soil).
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: # kg/soil
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: 0
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values:
    • Null = None given
  • Label: Other Organisms Taxa
  • Definition: The total number of metazoan taxa extracted from the soil sample
  • Type: Physical quantity
  • Unit: dimensionless
  • Maximum: Not specified
  • Minimum: Not specified
  • Precision: Not specified
  • Missing values: None specified
  • Label:
  • Definition: Comments
  • Type: Nominal
  • Missing values: None specified


Short name: 


Dataset ID: 


Principal Investigator(s): 


Associated Personnel: 

Associated Researcher
Data Manager