McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER News

The MCM LTER congratulates co-PI Dr. John C. Priscu, who was recently honored as a Sustaining Fellow by the Association of Limnology and Oceanography in the 2017 class of ASLO Fellows.

McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research (MCM LTER) Project Statement on Recent Allegations of Harassment by Prominent Antarctic Field Scientist On October 6, 2017, Science reported

A newly published paper by Alia Khan and colleagues compares dissolved black carbon (DBC) concentrations from snow and ice covered ecosystems, including Antarctica.

Dr. Peter Doran's group recently published a study investigating the moat history of Lake Bonney, located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys.

For years, Diana Wall's research has focused on the functional-trait ecology and diversity of soil microorganisms in order to better understand overall biodiversity.

Soil ecologist Diana Wall, best known for her outstanding quarter century of ecological research in the Antarctic McMurdo Dry Valleys, was recently named 2017 Eminent Ecologist by the Ecological Society of America.

Priscu and others recently released the 2016 environmental stewardship workshop report.

The fossil fuel signature could serve as an indicator of anthropogenic influences in Antarctic environments, which may continue to expand in the future Alia Khan and other researchers with the Dry Valleys LTER, argue

Eric Sokol's metacommunity synthesis project titled  "A synthesis to identify how metacommunity dynamics mediate community responses to disturbance across the ecosystems represented in the LTER network" was funded by LTER. The project includes ten participants

There is not much left to say.  We are wrapping up another successful field/lab season.  The sun is getting lower in the sky, sea ice is on the move and ships have been visiting McMurdo.  Last weekend we had a Chinese icebreaker here and now a British Navy ship is right off shore. 

Overview- We had a good week in McMurdo.  The resupply ship headed north with our vessel cargo and the fuel tanker came in and is still here now.  Planned redeployments were delayed mid-week because the vessel cargo personnel were top priority for northbound flights.  There was also a bit of bad weather mid-week with high winds that interfered with Herc and Helo operations.

Overview- The season is winding down.  The resupply ship is at the Pier and our Vessel samples have been staged to go north on the ship.  Vessel off-load is complete, but on-load is still underway.  

Hi Everyone,

This update is a group effort, mostly put together by Diana, and sent by Kathy.  Today is supposed to be Diana's last day as the MCM-LTER on ice POC. 

Greetings from the Crary.  Research is going full steam and the end of the season approaches, signaled by the arrival of the Coast Guard Ice Breaker.

Greetings again from Crary Lab on a Sunday afternoon. This week has been full of starts and stops with interruptions due to weather. Difficulties with the weather, and hence flying, have led to a less productive week in the field than the past two.

Colleagues and Team members,

Greetings from very snowy Mac-town. I hope that your new year's celebrations were enjoyable ones. From all the reviews, Ice Stock was a grand success here. All MCM-LTER personnel spent the weekend in town, and most expect to redeploy or day-trip to TV tomorrow, if the weather clears.

