a large persistent body of ice that forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its ablation (melting and sublimation) over many years, often centuries
We installed dissolved oxygen sensors in three locations on a supraglacial stream network on Canada Glacier in Taylor Valley, Antarctica in conjunction with a series of nutrient tracer injection experiments. This data collection was intended to provide context for respiration and primary productivity via dissolved oxygen dynamics during our nutrient tracer injections. Sensors were deployed a day before the start of the tracer series and collected on the last day of experiments. Over the course of their deployment, two of the three locations had issues with freezing around the sensor and produced large artifacts (swings) in the data.
We calibrated 3 dissolved oxygen and temperature loggers immediately prior to deployment and placed them in three reaches to record on a 5 min interval. The three stream reaches were located on the lower Canada Glacier ablation zone in Taylor Valley, Antarctica (Reach 1: -77.62767, 163.96059; Reach 2: -77.6281, 163.957583; Reach 3: -77.629258, 163.964103). Sensors used were HOBO Dissolved Oxygen Logger U26-001, In-Situ Inc. During the course of time that the loggers were deployed, tracers were released in Reach 1 at 10:20:00 on 1/17/19 (NaNO3- and NaCl) and 10:20:00 on 1/18/19 (NaNO3- , KH2PO4- and NaCl); in Reach 2 at 13:00:00 on 1/14/19 (NaNO3- and NaCl), at 10:40:00 on 1/15/19 (NaNO3- , KH2PO4- and NaCl), at 10:20:00 on 1/16/19 (NaNO3- , KH2PO4-, glucose, and NaCl), and at 12:25:00 on 1/19/19 (NaNO3-, glucose, and NaCl); and in Reach 3 at 12:45:00 on 1/17/19 (NaNO3- and NaCl) and 12:15:00 on 1/18/19 (NaNO3- , KH2PO4- and NaCl). Over the course of their deployment, two of the three locations had issues with freezing around the sensor and produced large artifacts (swings) in the data. In addition, the sensor located in Reach 3 was removed from the water briefly and repositioned around 11:00 on 1/15/19. Raw dissolved oxygen concentrations were post-processed and corrected for atmospheric pressure. Pressure timeseries was measured using a barometer (HOBO Water Level (13 ft) Data Logger- U20L-04, In-Situ Inc.) co-located with the dissolved oxygen sensor on Reach 2. The tracer experiment data collected concurrently are also available on the MCM LTER database and provide further information on the tracer methods and data.