Streamflow and hyporheic thermal regimes influence on hyporheic storage and exchange at Von Guerard Stream, 2006



We describe the modeling data created and used to study the influence of stream and hyporheic thermal regimes on hyporheic storage and exchange, as well as the field data used in the study. Models and methodologies are also described, along with the physical details of the data.

In streams, such as those in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, that experience large daily fluctuations in temperature, associated changes in water density and dynamic viscosity could affect hyporheic characteristics.

 Figure: Longitudinal view of stream and hyporheic temperatures at each of the 11 temperature proble locations at two different times.

One time, 8:30, was in the middle of the cool morning experiment, the second time, 15:00 was in the middle of the warm afternoon experiment.  Open circles represent stream temperatures.  Filled diamonds, squares, and triangles represent temperatures at 5, 10, and 20 cm depths below the streambed surface, respectively

Date Range: 

Monday, January 16, 2006

This archive contain spreadsheets with the tracer of Chloride injected on the stream at several points in the stream.  The concentration units is parts per million. The date and time is provided as well as the relative distance in meters in the stream

Zip container for the Cl Wells Field Data

This archive contain spreadsheets with the measured concentration of the tracer of Bromide injected on the stream at several wells.  The concentration units is parts per million. The date and time is provided as well as the depth and characteristics of the well.

This archive contain spreadsheets with the tracer of Bromide injected on the stream, and the concentration measured at several wells.  The concentration units is parts per million. The date and time is provided as well as the depth and characteristics of the well

An archive of the files containing the tabulated stream water temperatures at the different locations relative to the tracer injection, in celsius.

The input files for the OTIS modeling streamflow program, with the parameters of experiment 1.

The archive of the input files used to simulate streamflow with OTIS for experiment 2

The archive of the OTIS simulation output files at start conditions.

The archive of OTIS output simulation data files at end conditions



Dataset ID: 

Data Citation
Cozzetto, K. 2016. Streamflow and hyporheic thermal regimes influence on hyporheic storage and exchange at Von Guerard Stream, 2006. Environmental Data Initiative. DOI: 10.6073/pasta/2dfe7fb660444dafdd324f9bf7b80a72. Dataset accessed 26 July 2024.

Principal Investigator(s): 

Associated Personnel: 

Data Manager
